The Tailor Made Suit Experience

The journey to your tailor-made suit lasts around 12 weeks, with 4 meetings during the process.
Meetings are generally organized in Bojano, Rome, Bologna or Milan.Alternatively, we can schedule an in-person meeting at home or at your office, according to your needs.
During the first meeting, the objective is to understand your needs, your preferences and in what occasion, if any, the suit is going to be worn.
The paper pattern is the bi-dimensional mold that is modified and perfected during the sewing process. Thanks to this model, if you want a second (or more!) suit, only one meeting would be necessary, as we will already have the measurements to work on.

At the first fitting, everything is already basted. We have an idea to chisel.
It is the moment in which we assess how well the jacket and the trouser suit you and, if necessary, notes are taken on the changes to be implemented.
After the fitting, the jacket and the trouser are completely disassembled to fix whatever needs to be adjusted.
At the second fitting.
hips and shoulders are already basted. We check the straight fabric flows on the sleeves. Everything needs to be perfect.To finalize the jacket, we need to sew hips, shoulders, neck and sleeves.
Buttonholes, buttons and ironing mark the completion of the suit.
At delivery, the suit is tried on one more time and, from that moment onwards, it is ready to accompany you.